Books About Writing Books

If you’ve ever been bitten by the writing bug, or just want to learn more about the writing process, pick up a book about writing books! The following selections are meant to inspire, guide and motivate any hopeful author. Conquer your fear, transcend your anxiety and learn from the best by reading how accomplished authors realized their success (hint: revise, revise and revise)!

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity by Ray Bradbury  

From the incomparable writer Ray Bradbury comes an exuberant sharing of wisdom, experience and practical tips on the art of writing.  More than a how-to manual, Zen in the Art of Writing is a celebration of the act of writing itself, meant to delight and inspire all writers.                                                   

Why Write? A Master Class on the Art of Writing and Why It Matters by Mark Edmundson 

Why write, when the world wants to be informed, not enlightened; to be entertained, not inspired?  Celebrated Professor Edmundson argues that writing is one of the greatest human goods.  Why Write? offers wise counsel on both the perils and pleasures of writing, to anyone with a genuine desire to write. 

The Courage to Write: How Writers Transcend Fear by Ralph Keyes 

In The Courage to Write, Mr. Keyes assures his readers that anxiety and fear is a normal, manageable and even useful part of the writing process.  Calling it “page fright”, the author illustrates his point with examples from other successful writers. 

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King 

Part memoir, part master class from one of the best-selling authors of all-time, On Writing is a revealing and practical view of the writer’s craft.  Brilliantly structured into five sections, Mr. King’s memoirs and advice will inspire and motivate readers and writers alike. 

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott 

Scribes and scribblers of all ages and abilities will be inspired by Anne Lamott’s witty, big-hearted, homespun advice found in Bird by Bird.  Lauded as the one of the funniest books about writing ever published, Lamott will help writers find their voice, while exposing a witty take on the reality of a writer's life. 

Swallowed by a Whale: How to Survive the Writing Life edited by Huw Lewis-Jones 

Described as a treasury for anyone who’s been bitten by the writing bug, this anthology collects pep talks and writing tips from nearly 70 established writers.  Collected in a cozy, browser-friendly manner, Swallowed by a Whale offers candid and reflective advice for aspiring authors.   

Letters to a Young Writer by Colum McCann 

In this fierce and honest testament to the profession and calling as a writer, McCann charges aspiring writers to learn the rules and then break them.  A collection of fifty-two essays, Letters to a Young Writer is a song of praise to the power of knowledge. 

Draft No. 4 On the Writing Process by John McPhee 

From legendary author and professor Mr. McPhee, Draft No. 4 offers a series of playful and insightful essays that offer guidance regarding arrangement, diction and tone that shape an author’s work.  The result is a vivid depiction of the writing process, from reporting to drafting to revising (and revising and revising).