For immediate release
Lake Forest Library
360 E Deerpath Rd
Lake Forest IL 60045
Emmy Neal
Teen Librarian
June 15, 2022 – LAKE FOREST Ill – Lake Forest Library was honored to present President's Volunteer Service Awards to two Lake Forest teens for outstanding service to our community. At the June 14 Library Board Meeting, Board President John F. Johnson and Teen Librarian Emmy Neal presented Nelli Sandor with the Silver Award for completing 77 service hours and Aiza Mirza with the Bronze Award for completing 51 service hours. Both teens received a commemorative pin, a personalized certificate of achievement, and a letter signed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Nelli and Aiza are rising freshmen and recent graduates of Deerpath Middle School. They volunteered at Deerpath new student orientations and events in addition to working with organizations across our community including CROYA, Bernie's Book Bank, the Friends of Lake Forest Library, and the Library’s Young Adult Advisory Board.
The President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award in 2003 to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service and talents positively impact communities, inspire other people to take action, and help solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation. Lake Forest Library became a Certifying Organization in 2020 to recognize our exceptional Young Adult Advisory Board volunteers and to encourage and celebrate volunteerism in the community.